Southeast Texas homeschoolers, The Museum of the Gulf Coast has a wonderful opportunity September 7th.
Port Arthur, TX –The Museum of the Gulf Coast and the Port Arthur Historical Society proudly host Shades of Blue and Grey Family Day.
This family day is to celebrate the opening of the temporary exhibit, “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War,” and to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Sabine Pass.
During the Battle of Sabine Pass, Confederate troops damaged several Union ships and prevented the Union army from entering Texas.
Activities for this Southeast Texas family fun day include:
- Buffalo Solider Reenactment called “A Soldier’s Story, “ 1 PM
- Civil War Scavenger Hunt
- Hands on activities
- Toy soldier play
- Learn Morse code
- Arts and crafts
- Civil War dress up and replica confederate soldier battle tent
- Be an archeologist-Civil War artifact dig
There will also be additional fun activities for Southeast Texas kids and families.
Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War shows how President Abraham Lincoln’s leadership and constitutional vision steered
the nation through its most turbulent years and into a future that forever changed America.
The Museum of the Gulf Coast is owned and operated by the Port Arthur Historical Society in partnership with Lamar State College – Port Arthur and the City of Port Arthur.
The Museum of the Gulf Coast is located at 700 Procter Street in downtown Port Arthur.
The Museum of the Gulf Coast is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
What: Museum of the Gulf Coast Family Day: Shades of Blue and Grey & Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War.
Date: Saturday, September 7th.
Time: 10A-2P
Address: 700 Procter Street, Downtown Port Arthur.
Note: This is a wonderful opportunity for Southeast Texas homeschool families.
For more information about the Museum please visit: or call 409.982.7000
Made possible in part by support by grants from NCC, ALA, NEH and SETAC
This is a great opportunity for Southeast Texas homeschool moms who would like to bring history to life. It is rare to get an opportunity to offer so many high quality hands on activity for Southeast Texas homeschool families.
When we drive around Southeast Texas, it is easy to forget how much of the world’s history happened right here. The Spindletop oil boom, the Battle of Sabine Pass, the timber empire of the Starks, there was even a German prisoner of war camp just down the coast.
This is a wonderful opportunity to let your Southeast Texas home school kids see, touch, and experience history in a way that our textbooks just can’t offer.
If you haven’t spent much time at the Museum of the Gulf Coast, this will be a great time to visit them.
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Best wishes to the Museum of the Gulf Coast and their exhibits “Shades of Blue and Grey and Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War.