Southeast Texas Church Planting Training Oct 1-5

If you are interested in Southeast Texas church planting or church planting internationally, this Beaumont church planting training can give you the tools to succeed.

Network with others who have been called to church planting and with Southeast Texas churches who are interested in church planting- or who are already involved in church planning and who are looking for helpful information.

Participants in this program, from Church of the Nazarene, may choose from three track options at this Beaumont church planting training:

  • Church Planting Essentials (CPE)  church planting 2
  • Churches Planting Churches (CPC)
  • Certified Trainer (CT) training will be held before and after this event.

Church Planting Essentials is church planting “basic training.”

The materials were created by Dynamic Church Planting International, based upon their experience working in mission areas where the church is expanding rapidly.

This Beaumont church planting training will be three full days, and teaches how to:

  • Organize & refine your church planting vision, purpose, strategies, and timeline early in the church planting process, to ensure you have a clear plan for the future.
  • Use Biblical principles for church planting in every step of the church planting process.
  • Learn to recognize, anticipate, and avoid common church planting “land mines”.

Churches Planting Churches is church sponsorship 101.

This important course was also developed by Dynamic Church Planting International and lasts three days. The sessions in this training equip your Southeast Texas church to:

  • Understand and answer both commonly expressed fears and objections to church planting  church planting
  • Determine the involvement of the mother church and how coordinate
  • Discover and receive the resources needed to fund the daughter church
  • Overcome common barriers in church planting
  • Recruit the appropriate church planter and leadership
  • Create your own personalized Vision-Involvement-Plan (V.I.P).

In addition to the church planting training tracks, there is Certified Trainer (CT) training that equips and certifies participants to re-teach the materials in their local context. It is provided at no extra cost. Those wishing to be certified must attend a session before their track begins, and another session when their track has finished. Certified Trainer training is identical for both tracks and need only be taken once.

For more information on this Beaumont Church Planting Training opportunity including registration and lodging options.

For more information on Dynamic Church Planting International.

Have you been looking for a Beaumont church planting seminar? Hopefully this will give you or your Southeast Texas church the tools to be successful in your church planting ministry.

A number of Southeast Texas churches are already heavily involved in church planting. There are Beaumont churches, Port Arthur Churches, and other Southeast Texas churches who have planted “sister” churches for their Spanish speaking congregations. There have been Korean Baptist churches planted and Vietnamese Catholic churches. Southeast Texas churches have also been involved in planting churches in under served areas of Southeast Texas and internationally.

If you have been called to church planting, this Beaumont church planting training could help you get plugged in and moving forward.


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Do you know of a Southeast Texas church whose church planting efforts should be shared with other Southeast Texas Christians? E-mail the information to or feel free to post directly to our SetxChurchGuide Facebook page. Don’t forget to “like” us while you’re there to receive updates on what is going on around the Southeast Texas Christian community.


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