Happy 4th of July from SETX Church Guide

4th of July in East Texas and The Golden Triangle

In East Texas and The Golden Triangle, we take The 4th of July seriously.

Our children serve in all branches of the military, at home and across the globe.

Our seniors answered the nation’s call in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm.

The Port of Beaumont is the nation’s most active military port, sending much needed supplies to troops across the world in peace time and during war.

Staffs of Honor is based right here in Kirbyville. Started by the Henry Brothers Knife Company, they provide ornamental staffs to honor veterans.

The Southeast Texas Senior Resource Guide and SETXSeniors.com regularly feature local veterans from around East Texas and The Golden Triangle.

4th of July SETX, July 4th Beaumont, Independence Day Port Arthur, picnic Lufkin, fireworks East Texas, fireworks show SETX,

Senior Magazine Beaumont TX, Senior news Southeast Texas, SETX senior events, Golden Triangle senior resources,

Veteran’s here comfortably and proudly wear caps announcing “Vietnam War Veteran”, “World War II Veteran”, or the name of the ship they served on in The Navy.

In Southeast Texas, we honor and appreciate our veteran’s and servicemen.

Happy 4th of July.


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