Vidor Christmas Family Fellowship hosted by Pine Forest Baptist Church during “Lights at Pine Forest” 12/21

Pine Forest Baptist Church Vidor will be hosting a special family night as part of their “Lights at Pine Forest” event.

This is a great time to meet the congregation who annually puts so much work into creating one of Southeast Texas’ premier holiday light events.

The show is different every night, so even if you’ve already been this season it will be a brand new experience- and extra special to enjoy the hospitality and congregation of this wonderful Southeast Texas Church.

Lights at Pine Forest Vidor family night


Date: 12/21

Time: 6p – 9:30

Music Station for Light Show: 103.1 FM

Click for directions and more information about The Lights at Pine Forest.

If you miss The Lights at Pine Forest Family Night, the light show will continue nightly 12/13-12/15 and 12/20-12/27.

Enjoy the show- and a special thank-you to all of the volunteers from the Pine Forest Baptist Church Vidor congregation for bringing this special event to life for Southeast Texas.


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