The grief experienced after the death of a child (of any age) is often greatly intensified during the holiday season.
If you have experienced the loss of a child, please join Hope Prints Ministry in Newton for a one day retreat for grieving mothers.
- First Baptist Church Newton,Tx on Saturday Dec. 14, 2013
- Time:8:30-4:00
- Lunch and snacks will be provided.
- There is no charge for this event
- Registration is currently underway at
We want to personalize your gift packets so please be sure to register ASAP!
Please feel free to share this info with anyone you believe would benefit.
Register here:
The Hope Prints Story:
Shared by Daisy Thiebaud
In December 2006, following a brief illness our 5-year old son Mason was left brain-dead. We were blessed to be in a large hospital staffed with a Child Life Department.
Child Life Specialists Shawn Brasher and Paige Cox offered our older children the opportunity to create keepsake handprints of their little brother as he lingered on life support. What a precious treasure these handprints are.
In April 2007, my friend Ginger lost her 10 month old son, Brycen to SIDS. When Ginger shared that she had only a precious few tangible mementos of her child, I knew she would treasure the gift of his handprints.
I had never done anything like this before, and wondered if it was really a good idea. A conversation with my then 11 year old son reminded me that perhaps no one, was more equipped for the task at that time than me. In his own words he reminded me that once you have suffered a loss, the compassion you feel for others allows you to minister to them in a very direct manor. Out of the mouths of babes came this….”We know how to pray for them, because we know how it feels to lose a little brother. We know how they hurt.”
Creating Brycen’s handprint keepsake was a bitter-sweet task for us. We were broken hearted for the pain our friends were experiencing, while our grief was still so fresh, but we found such comfort in how God was using our loss to bless others.
This, is where the seed, planted just months before by Shawn Brasher and Paige Cox began to take root.
Through the years we have been honored to bless others with this gift that has now evolved into HopePrints Ministries.
Thank-you to Daisy and Hope Prints for sharing their wonderful ministry on
Our hearts are with all of those Southeast Texans who have lost children.
If you are looking to network with others who know what you’re going through, Saturday’s conference will be a special opportunity.