Thanksgiving Blessings to You and Your Family
from Rooted Therapy and Wellness in Beaumont
For your family, Thanksgiving is a joyous time. They eat all they can (and perhaps more than they should). They throw around the football, watch a lot of football, and maybe make it out to the lake or the deer woods.
For many moms, the Thanksgiving experience is different.
Moms STRESS over getting each dish just right, having the decorations set up perfectly, and about getting along with their in-laws.
Moms overwork, committing to preparing too many dishes, cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner without help (sometimes because it is never offered), and trying to accommodate the special needs and preferences of people they only see once a year.
Give yourself something to be thankful for this year. Find exercises to help minimize your stress and Thanksgiving, Christmas, and year-round. Get help achieving and maintaining a healthy life balance. Deal with nagging injuries that didn’t quite heal on their own.
Rooted Therapy and Wellness in Beaumont helps moms achieve optimal health every day.
Amanda Adams is a respected local occupational therapist who brings a God focused, natural approach to healing, stress management, and life balance.
Services moms particularly benefit from include cupping, aroma therapy, breathwork, prayer, strengthening and conditioning, and massage.
Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation with Rooted Therapy and Wellness in Beaumont.
7102 Pheland Boulevard in Beaumont TX. 77706
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Ready to talk about whether their services might be right for you? Schedule your free consultation today.
Would you be thankful for better physical, emotional, and mental health? Contact Rooted Therapy and Wellness of Southeast Texas today.