Debbie Slaughter – Are you the same this year as you were last year? SETX Christian Blogger

As part of our Southeast Texas women’s ministry, we enjoy sharing highlights from Southeast Texas Christian blogs.

One of our favorites is “A Million Skies” from Debbie Slaughter who writes about Southeast Texas Christian women’s issues – motherhood, running a household, homeschool, good stewardship, being a wife, and much more.

Enjoy today’s Inspiration for SETX Christian Women courtesy of “A Million Skies”:

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Sometimes you can’t help but think  “A week ago I was on vacation……” and remember the great feeling you had when you were relaxing and just having fun; putting down the responsibilities for a while.

What about a month ago?   Are you in the same place you were, just a month ago?

guest blogger And if you go back a year’s worth of weeks and months, are you in the same place – physically, mentally, spiritually?

To all of those questions, the answer should be that you are different than you were at that point in time.

If you were blessed enough to afford a vacation, then you should be more grateful than you were a week ago.   You should have a new perspective on what’s important and what can wait.    Vacations can sometimes give us a time to reflect on what’s back home and help us to see our regular, every day life, in a new light.     You should always purpose to come home from vacation, feeling ready to do something new and different.

And, if your reflection takes you back to a month ago, what will you see?   Hopefully not the same project list, the same junk pile that needs cleaning up, the same repairs that need fixing.    Hopefully you’ve been productive in those things and moved on to new ideas, new projects, new piles.     This is called progress!   If you don’t see improvement in some areas, then you’re pretty much just spinning your wheels.     Life needs to be moving forward and we need to be growing, even in a month’s time.

The year long reflection will most likely bring about tremendous change.   As the saying goes…..“a LOT can happen in a year’s time!”

As I was thinking back to last summer (a year ago), I was trying to put in perspective all the things that have happened since then.    My brother’s cancer came back with a vengeance.   My father-in-law passed away suddenly.  David lost his job.  My marriage reached the 24 year mark.   My 14 year old has grown a foot.   My 20 year old has been to Nashville 3 times and has grown artistically, more than I can explain.   And, I’ve painted my living room and dining room – not once, but TWICE!

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But, those things are earthly things – every one of them.   Some are heartbreaking.   Some are joyous.  Some are important and some aren’t.

The real mile marker in time is how we’ve grown spiritually.   Only that is eternal.

Looking back to yourself – in a spiritual manner – this time last year – are you different?  Has your walk with the Lord changed or grown?

Every year we should be growing in our love for God.   We may not feel like we could love Him any more than we already do, but that’s not true.   Our love for the Lord can always improve.   Our daily walk, our prayer life, our knowledge of his word, our reliance on him, and our love for our neighbor – those are all areas that need growth and improvement.

Take inventory of the ways that God has changed you this past year.   If you’ve been through any trials, you should see growth.   If you’ve received any blessings, you should see growth.   Good or bad – should all move us toward God, not farther away.   

Looking back on this past year, I see so many opportunities for broken hearts in my family.   We’ve both lost our dads in a year’s time.   David lost his job of 10 years.   My brother’s cancer.   My sister’s divorce.    This world is not an easy place to be sometimes! run to God

But, each one of those events has given us reason to… not walk…..but RUN… toward our loving father and fall into his arms and give him all that we have left – every single thing that has happened.

If you’ve run into the arms of Jesus this year, then you’ve grown.   You can’t have an encounter with the Lord and not grow.   

So, if you’re looking back now and you can’t see how your life has changed or caused you to grow, then it’s time to make that happen.

It doesn’t just have to be about trials and running to God for comfort.   Growth can happen on the mountain top too!   And, in fact, that’s a good place to re-fuel, re-stock, re-examine your life – physically and spiritually.

Don’t wait for life to pull you down, before you run to God!

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The good days of life are the ones that should cause you to praise Him and study his word and get prepared for the valleys, where you can’t think, can’t make decisions, sometimes can’t function.

Preparation is preferable to surprise!

Determine to grow today!  Do something intentional – in your life – both spiritually and physically.

Whatever it is, choose those things that will move you forward – in your home, work, relationships, personal life and most importantly, in your relationship with God.

Do it with purpose, so this time next year, you can look back and know that you are not the same person – you are better!

Now go and live intentionally!


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We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s edition of Inspiration for SETX Christian Women.

Thank-you to Guest Blogger Debbie Slaughter. Her blog is a wonderful place to get information on Southeast Texas homeschooling, being a good steward, raising children, and being a strong Christian woman.

To read more from Debbie Slaughter, visit her blog.

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