God calls many to service, but not all are called to the pulpit.
We are called to build churches, serve as prayer warriors, to witness in Southeast Texas prison ministries, and in a hundred different ways.
At SetxChurchGuide.com we enjoy spotlighting unique Southeast Texas ministries.
Today’s spotlight is on Unity Dancing for Jesus.
In 1997 Demetricia Pryor was injured in her job as an LVN with a Southeast Texas hospital. She was paralyzed from the waist down and many doctors told her she was unlikely to walk again.
While she was in the process of recovering, God called her to dance for him.
Her recovery was still long and painful, but with this calling she was able to regain total use of her body.
She went back to school and took social work, sign language, and dance.
Demetricia founded Unity Dancing for Jesus and her ministry is now 10 years old.
Unity Dancing for Jesus makes itself available to dance in praise of Jesus Christ at Southeast Texas churches and special events free of charge.
Unity Dancing for Jesus also makes itself available to assist Southeast Texas churches in starting their own dance and mime ministries.
You can watch Unity Dancing for Jesus on their YouTube Channel: UnityDancing4Jesus
In 1997, Demetricia Pryor was injured on the job at a local hospital after 14 years of working as a LVN. She layed on her bed of affliction, not knowing what to do. she knew for sure that she needed to look to God for help and healing. A year later and as a result of that on-the-job injury, she became paralyzed from the waist down and was told by doctor after doctor that surgery might help her, but she was most likely never going to walk again. She decided to have the surgery, trusting that God would renew her good health. Her recovery was a slow and tedious process, and while she was recovering, she asked God, “What do you want me to do?” Her answer which came one day while she was watching television and turned to a show in which a lady was praise dancing. God spoke to her, telling her that he wanted her to go to back to school and to dance for him. In 2004, her recovery was complete: she had regained the total use of her lower torso. So, while working to obtain her Social Work degree, she began taking dance and sign language courses, and was inspired to form a praise dance ministry. Demetricia made a promise to the Lord that she would remain faithful to his will for her life, and Unity Dancing For Jesus continues to grow and prosper first with the continue favor, mercy and grace of God and also with contributions, donations, and sponsorships from bother the public, private and other organizations.
If you and your Southeast Texas church are interested in starting a dance ministry and/or mime ministry, Demetricia and her team can be a valuable asset. Their experience can be very helpful.
If your Southeast Texas Church would like to invite Unity Dancing for Jesus to perform, contact information is listed below.
Unity Dancing for Jesus Phone:(409) 893-4663
Website: UnityDancingforJesus.com
YouTube: UnityDancing4Jesus
Unity Dancing for Jesus Address: PO Box 242. Beaumont, TX 77704
Does your Southeast Texas church have an active praise dance ministry? Share the details with Southeast Texas Christians right here on SetxChurchGuide.com.
Just e-mail the information (and any photos you’d like to see included) to SetxChurchGuide.com@gmail.com .
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