Labor Day in Southeast Texas
Labor Day is fast approaching.
Like the rest of America, Southeast Texas Christians look forward to Labor Day because it offers a too rare three day
weekend. Originally, a third day of rest.
Southeast Texans certainly deserve a labor day. Not only do we currently work A LOT of overtime and multiple jobs, but Southeast Texas is one of the real battlefields where Americans fought for and earned safer worker conditions, better wages, and a reasonable work week. The Hollywood film Silkwood was based on a Southeast Texan. Many Southeast Texans risked their jobs, health, and life fighting for rights that many of us today take for granted. Forty hour work week. Paid overtime. Insurance. Paid vacation. Whistle blower protection.
Today we often use Labor Day as an opportunity to try to sneak in a family weekend. A quick trip to San Antonio, a whirlwind trip to the Grand Canyon, or a last “feels like summer” weekend at the beach. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it often doesn’t work quite as planned. Driving ten hours each way is more exhausting than we remember. Did we remember to feed the dog? Have you ever had a car break down between Midland and El Paso?
As a result, we often return to work more exhausted than ever.
If you have a trip planned this year, enjoy it. Make the kind of memories that will last you and your family a lifetime.
If you don’t have a Labor Day trip planned, consider keeping with the original spirit of the holiday.
Invite an old friend over for a laid back, stress free barbecue.
Walk hand in hand through your neighborhood with your spouse and find a place to watch the sunset.
Call a family member you have been meaning to catch up with and just listen for twenty minutes as they tell you about their lives and their family, their struggles and their victories.
Try to recreate a lost (or almost lost) family recipe.
Write the first paragraph of your novel, or pickup a paintbrush again.
Wake up on Sunday and visit a Southeast Texas church you’ve heard a friend or family member talk excitedly about or maybe a church you’ve seen here on
Labor Day can be a time of rest. Labor Day can be a time of renewal.
If you don’t already have a trip planned, consider giving yourself a break this year. A break from the mad dash in and out of town. A break from the “Go, Go, Go”pace.
Consider making this the Labor Day that you take a trip within. What’s missing from your life- Friendship? Family? Faith? A meaningful hobby?
Make this the year that you take the first step towards fulfilling that need.
Does your Southeast Texas church have a great activity for Southeast Texas Christians to plug into this Labor Day? Share the information on our Setx Church Guide Facebook Page.
We live to tell the stories that bring Southeast Texans and Southeast Texas Churches together.
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Happy Labor Day Southeast Texas!