Who am I? It’s a question we all ask from time to time.
Before I came to Cornerstone Baptist Church Kountze, I was involved in an active young adult ministry. I worked and enjoyed fellowship with a group of men and women from ages 18-35. Some were married, some were single, some were single parents, and many were fresh out of high school! But it always struck me how busy they were trying to find their identity.
Whether it was in a relationship, a job, their educational pursuit, or their hobbies- the desire to find a unique identity and express themselves was always present.
As God has called me to this new season as a Senior Pastor, I find myself working with people of all ages! And as I have conversations with children, young parents, single adults, senior adults, etc- I realize that this craving for identity goes beyond age demographics. It is a longing within the soul of mankind. We are all searching for something to define us.
But what if we God’s people were to give up the search for identity? What if we could end the cycle of frustration and disappointment that comes with trying to be something or someone we are not?
The good news is- we can. And God calls us to stop trying to “make a name for ourselves.” Stop trying to find your worth, value, and identity in the things of this world. The call is to ABANDON yourself!
In Philippians 3:7-8, Paul writes “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ..”
When we stop trying to find our identity- we find our identity in Christ.
In YOU, you continually struggle to be holy. In YOU, your life is empty and hopeless. In YOU, defeat is your identity.
In Christ, you are righteous. In Christ, you have a purpose. In Christ, you stand victorious over the sin and struggles of this world. In Christ, your identity is found in being a son or daughter of God.
Let’s live like God’s children- finding our identity and purpose in Him!
For more information: http://cornerstonekountze.com
Cornerstone Baptist Church Kountze Address: 277 Forrest Dr. Kountze TX 77625
Cornerstone Baptist Church Phone: 409-246-1116
Thank-you Brother Rusty Mott for sharing this message with SetxChurchGuide.com. Best wishes to you and your congregation at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Kountze.
You are right. More than ever, Americans face a crisis of identity. Who are we really? Are we the person we portray at work, the person our spouse sees, the parent our children perceive it as, the person our friends laugh and joke with when we are able to spend time with them? This is just as true for Southeast Texas Christians as it is for others. Are we one person at our Southeast Texas church and another at work? Are we one person with our spouse and another person with our friends?
To our readers,what did you think of guest blogger Pastor Rusty Mott of Cornerstone Baptist Church Kountze‘s take on this topic?
The message is universal, but it is particularly suited for Southeast Texas Christians.
Many Southeast Texas Church’s offer programs to help Southeast Texas Christian’s confront issues of identity. Who we are, how we got to be that person, and how to get to be the person we want to be. One I have personally benefited from is the Quest for Authentic Manhood. I went through the first two levels of the program through First Baptist Church of Spurger. Anyone who knows Spurger knows that you are talking about a rugged group of men- foresters, carpenters, refinery workers, and law enforcement. The program really brought out deep sharing, healing, and growing experiences for each and every man who completed the course. I’m sure many other Southeast Texas Churches offer the program- I highly recommend it for Southeast Texas Christian men. I believe in this program enough to have recommended it to men I knew to not be Christians and those who specifically did not want to be Christians. Ideally they will find Christ in time, but I believe that the Quest for Authentic Manhood can make just about anyone a better husband, father, worker, brother, and son. If your Southeast Texas Church is looking for a program that will really super charge your men’s ministry this is a wonderful fit.
Invitation to Share: At SetxChurchGuide.com we love sharing the stories of the Southeast Texas Christian community and the Southeast Texas church community.
- If you’d like to publicize an event at your Southeast Texas church, share your testimony as a Southeast Texas Christian, or to share a message with fellow Southeast Texas Christians we’d like to hear from you. Sharing is as easy as sending us an e-mail: SetxChurchGuide@gmail.com .
- Is your Southeast Texas church hosting The Quest for Authentic Manhood or one of the other Men’s Fraternity programs? We’d love to tell Southeast Texas Christians about the opportunity to get involved.
- Does your Southeast Texas church offer a similar program for Southeast Texas Christian women? We’d like to share that story.