Are you looking for some great Southeast Texas Christian friendly entertainment this weekend? The Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus will be at Ford Park.
This year’s show is “Super Circus Heroes” and showcases performers who have dedicated thousands of hours to achieving their dreams.
Ringling Brothers has a lot to offer Southeast Texas Christian families – appropriate humor, non-violent, inspiring.
The Circus also gives SETX families something to talk about – before and after. “What do you want to see when we go to the circus?” “What was your favorite act?”.
Are there people at your Southeast Texas church you’ve wanted to spend time with? Invite them to join your family at the circus.
It’s very common for four or five Southeast Texas family groups to attend together, often after sharing a meal together.
If you’ve been looking for a fun Southeast Texas Christian friendly entertainment opportunity, bring your family to the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus this weekend- something fun for everyone!
Come early – this year performers will interact with your kids before the show starts – the kind of thing that creates wonderful memories for Southeast Texas families.