Sour Lake Vacation Bible School Guide 2018
Are you looking for kid friendly summer fun in Sour Lake?
Don’t miss these great SETX Vacation Bible School Activities!
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Sour Lake
July 9-13
Come Sail the Seas of Victory. Your child will explore the Holy Trinity with Saint Patrick.
- 8:30am – Noon
- Ages 4 years – 6th Grade
Enjoy cool crafts, tasty snacks, music, and a light lunch daily at noon.
For more information, call: (409) 287-3287.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in Sour Lake: 210 W Barkley St, Sour Lake, TX 77659
Click here for Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church’s VBS Facebook Event Page.
First Christian Church in Sour Lake
July 23 – 27
Your children are invited to Game On: Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game.
* Bible Lessons
* Crafts
* Games
* Nightly Meals
* Fun Fun Fun
* Ages 3 (Potty Trained)-14 years old
Nightly: 6p – 8:30p
Are you ready to sendyour kids to a great evening VBS?
They will have fun with the crew from First Christian Church in Sour Lake.
Gear Up for Life’s Big Game
First Christian Church Sour Lake 2018 VBS invites your kids to grab their megaphones, lace up their cleats, and tune up their instruments.
As they fill up the offensive line, sideline, and drum line, your players, cheerleaders, and band members will realize God has given them His ultimate playbook. He wants them to join His team, train hard, celebrate salvation, and encourage one another. Get in the spirit today with Game On VBS.
FCC Sour Lake Address: 175 Mitchell St, Sour Lake, TX 77659
First Christian Church Sour Lake Phone: (409) 287-3069
Would you like T-shirts for your Southeast Texas VBS program?
RAD Graphics in Mid County offers t-shirt design, printing, and more for Vacation Bible School programs across the Golden Triangle.
Are you ready to start designing your VBS t-shirts?
Call Rad Graphics in Nederland today: (409) 721-5700
Would you like to grow your Southeast Texas Vacation Bible School?
Advertise it in the Southeast Texas Family Magazine.
No one reaches more moms in East Texas and the Golden Triangle than the Southeast Texas Family Magazine in print and via social media.
- Daryl Fant, Publisher. Southeast Texas Family Magazine
- Call SETX Family: (512) 567-8068
- E-mail SETX Family Magazine:
You can also promote East Texas and Golden Triangle Vacation Bible School Programs right here on SETX Church Guide, your online Christian Lifestyle Magazine.
We enjoy bringing you over 400 articles each year highlighting Golden Triangle Christian news, events, church updates, and inspiration.
- Daryl Fant, Publisher SETX Church Guide
- Call Daryl Fant (512) 567-8068
- E-mail SETX Church Guide: