Are you looking for a fun daytime Silsbee VBS in July?
Colossal Coaster Cart
We’re focused on helping you find the right Silsbee VBS for your kids. For many families that will mean more than one- there are at least four different VBS curricula being run by Southeast Texas Churches this year.
What will your child learn during this great VBS? Each day, volunteers from Faith Christian Center Silsbee will teach one Bible verse using a combination of music, games, and role playing. After a day of fun, we’ll feed them lunch – on us! So, get those kiddos to FCC and let the fun begin!!
Colossal Coaster Fun
1. Dare to obey the Lord – Paul obeyed. Bible Verse: Acts 9:1-18 – I can trust God and obey Him without fear.
2. Dare to speak up for what is right and for the Lord. Paul spoke boldly. Bible Verse: Acts 9:20-30. I can trust God to help me speak boldly about Him.
3. Dare to believe in yourself, in what’s right, in the Lord’s plan for your life. -Paul proclaimed salvation. Bible Verse: Acts 16:16-34 – I can trust God’s plan of salvation and share His love with others.
4. Dare to Stand Strong – Paul responded wisely – Acts 21:3-23:11 – I can trust God to help me have self-control and honor Him with my actions.
5. Dare to Trust – Paul trusted God – Acts 27 – I can trust God to give me the power to face my fears no matter what comes next.
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Setting – a day at a favorite theme park!
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Theme – children will be challenged to tap into God’s promise to give them the courage to face their fears by trusting Him.
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Focus – Evangelism, Content and Application
Colossal Coaster Backdrop 300 – Bottom line, this is a fun VBS that will help bring your child closer to God in a fun, safe, nurturing environment!
If you’ve been looking for a Silsbee VBS or if your children have already participated in one of the other Southeast Texas VBS Themes like Kingdom Rock or Athens, this could be a great fit for your children. If you are looking for a Silsbee church, get to know Faith Christian Center through their Vacation Bible School.
I know the staff and volunteers at Faith Christian Center Silsbee will welcome your child and provide them with a memorable week.
For More Information, Contact Justin Kirkendall: (409)385-9995 or visit the church website or ‘Like’ their facebook page for post straight from SFCC!
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Theme: Colossal Coaster World
Faith Christian Center Silsbee Address: 1360 Roosevelt Drive in Silsbee
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Dates: July 15-19
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Hours: 10am-1pm
Faith Christian Center Silsbee VBS Ages: Entering Kindergarten – 6th Grade Notes: Summer is a fun time for Southeast Texas Churches who open their doors to children for Southeast Texas Vacation Bible Schools, Wacky Wednesdays, Christian Summer Camps, and other great activities for children and families.
These are the kinds of stories we enjoy telling on If your Southeast Texas Church is doing something special this summer we’d like to share it with other Southeast Texas Christians. Just e-mail the details and any photos you’d like to include to: . We look forward to telling your story.
If you know of a Silsbee VBS, or Southeast Texas VBS, that we missed please feel free to e-mail us the information or to post it directly to our Facebook. Either is a great way to share the information with other Southeast Texas Christians.
Over the next Several weeks we will be talking about Mission opportunities. If you’re a Southeast Texas Christian involved in a special mission, or if your Southeast Texas Church has an active missions team send us information about your trip or write your experience up and we’ll share it with Southeast Texas!
“Like’ us on Facebook for daily posts about local events at Silsbee churches and current happenings in the area.