First Baptist Church Silsbee
“Colossal Coaster”
June 24-28.
Are you looking for a morning Silsbee VBS? This is one of the more popular Southeast Texas VBS themes this year.
The idea is that kids are visiting their favorite theme park and learning to trust God.
The First Baptist Church Silsbee team will help kids learn that God has given them a spirit of power, love, and sound judgement. The Colossal Coaster program is designed to let kids have so much fun that they won’t even know they are learning.
First Baptist Church Silsbee has a dedicated crew of volunteers who will ensure your child is safe, has fun, and grows closer to God.
First Baptist Church Silsbee Address: 350 HWY 96 S
First Baptist Church Silsbee Phone: 409-385-2819
Thank-you to all of the Southeast Texas churches who have prepared VBS programs for our community’s children. Thank-you to all of the Southeast Texas Christians who have volunteered decorating for VBS, teaching VBS, and who have prepared meals and for the dozens and dozens of Southeast Texas VBS programs. Did we miss your Southeast Texas VBS? E-mail the information to .
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