SETX Homeschool Expo Offers Workshops for Parents

From Veritas Classical Academy, Tom Owens will present “High School Homeschool Anxieties – Strategies for College Admissions, Scholarships & Test Preparation,” helping you help your child prepare for and perform well on tests, whether for college entrance or entering the workforce.Tom Owens is a board member of Veritas Classical Academy, investor, and co-founder of several well-known brands in the test preparation publishing space.  Tom aVeritasphotottended Texas A&M, completing a degree in chemical engineering, with scholarships awarded exceeding his cost to attend, including tuition, room, board and books by more than $1000 per semester.  In this fast-paced presentation Tom will share strategies based on his personal experiences and professional expertise in the test preparation field, including admission strategies for both elite and state schools.  Attendees will receive a free PSAT preparation book courtesy of his imprint, “Test Prep Books.”

 Assessing and Working With Dyslexia- The Multisensory Reading Center offers a workshop with Jen Parra and Julie O’Brien, to help parents of struggling readers, writers or learners assess the needs of their children and work toward proficiency.  Jen Parra founded the Multisensory Reading Center in 2015 and has over 12 years of experience working with children who have learning differences, including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, LD, and ESL students. She believes that all children can reach their potential with patience and multi-sensory teaching logo pdfmethods.  She also enjoys working with parents to help them better understand how to support their child with learning differences. Julie O’Brien has close to 25 years of experience with children who struggle with reading and writing. Her experience includes dyslexia, Reading Recovery, and comprehension strategies. She believes that all children can gain confidence and develop skills to become successful readers and writers. Both are certified language specialists and will offer a free dyslexia screening and counseling during their workshop or at their exhibit. (Register below.)
Goldbeck Learning Clinic will be at the Southeast Texas Homeschool Expo providing a workshop that addresses the situations that affect the home that can in turn hinder learning progress. In particular, Dr. Goldbeck has seen first hand the issues that can arise in a divorce situation within a homeschooling family. She will discuss the importance of accessing your child’s
success and maintaining an appropriate curriculum or our student to prevent learning gaps.  She will also be available to answer your questions on techniques and tidbits that can help your child struggling with ADD/ ADHA, dyslexia, or other learning deficits. Dr. Tanya Goldbeck has served the golden triangle in educational counseling since 1975. Her list of credentials is long and her heart for helping you and your children is strong.
Healthy Body…Healthy Homeschool-  Anytime Fitness wants to show you how fitness can be regularly and practically implemented into your homeschool routine in this informational and helpful workshop. Physical fitness is good for the brain and good for the body. Not only does staying active and having a fitness routine build physical, muscular and bone strength, but your

anytimefitnessmind, awareness and even attitudes are often regulated by physical activity. Don’t get in a rut, get in a routine! Daisy Hargraves, homeschool mom, a model of fitness, nutrition and fitness coach, and owner/operator of Anytime fitness will show you the ropes on the importance and ease of working physical activity into your daily routine, for YOU and YOUR CHILD. No matter your schedule or interests, physical fitness can be a natural and healthy part of your homeschool!

So You Have a Diagnosis-Now What?  Starpoint Educational Enrichment Center is providing a timely and encouraging workshop for anyone who has been touched by a child with autism. You will find great information in this workshop that can help you homeschool your own child with autism, help your entire support system understand the breadth of their influence in your student’s learning experience, and give you encouragement in your journey of love and grace with learning how to parent and teach exceptional children. The professional educators and child-care providers at Starpoint EEC have years of experience to share with you, helping you enrich yourStarPoint2 homeschool family and providing a the support and help you need.  There is a door prize for this workshop: a signed copy of Autism Sisterhood, by local author, Michele Brooke will be awarded to an attendee of this workshop.  Will you be the one who gets the FREE copy? (A signed copy of Autism Sisterhood  will be available for purchase from the author at an exhibit table.)

Preparing a High School Transcript- David Mosley, a local homeschool dad and Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness and Grants at Lamar Institute of Technology will give you the details on how to prepare your child’s path through high school such that when you are considering college entrance, there will be nothing to fear.  He has graduated 6 of his own children from high school, each going on to post secondary institutions holding an effective and more than acceptable Texas private school transcript. He’ll show you how to prepare your child’s path in high school, how to account for credits and scores and how to prepare the transcript that will be accepted by colleges and universities without question. Mr. Mosley has been a benefactor to the homeschool community of southeast Texas in his role at LIT and as a gracious helper to any who have asked for his assistance. Lighthouse Educational Services is proud to sponsor this workshop and we look forward to hosting Mr. Mosley and other dedicated homeschool parents in workshops throughout the year at our new facility at Ridgewood Church in Port Arthur.

Alert Academy presents: “Cultivating Men of Integrity” Workshop by Homeschool Graduate Jonathan Boulden. Men of today are abandoning their God, their churches, and their families; we’ll look at ways that parents can stem this tide by cultivating lasting integrity in their own sons.  Jonathan Boulden, a homeschool graduate, will encourage you in your journey inALERTacademy raising your snaggle-tooth little boys into men of integrity. He works at International ALERT Academy  where young men are trained to become fathers, husbands, leaders… Their motto is “Preparing Generations to be Followers of Christ,” and their goal is to seek to equip individuals with tools to better prepare them for the specific callings God has placed on each of their lives. Come and be refreshed in your soul for the worthy cause you carry in training your young men for their future.

How Nutrition and Toxins Affect Behavior- Dr. Bill Yeary, homeschool dad and founder of Getting Well Naturally hosts this compelling workshop that will heighten your awGetting Well Naturallyareness on how diet and toxins could be the culprit that needs addressing when it comes to behavioral issues for both YOU and YOUR CHILD.  In clinical practice for over 15 years, Dr. Yeary is a Biblical naturopath, nutritionist, and herbalist who can offer discerning, Scriptural solutions to homeschooling medical and behavioral issues in this workshop for anyone seeking nutritional and health management. 

Homeschool 101: Everything you need to know about getting started homeschooling in Texas- Years of experience and knowledge will be tapped in this workshop provided THEbigby Jube Dankworth of Texas Home Educators.  Jube educated her own children at home and now spends time taking field trips for her homeschooled grandchildren. Speaking with thousands of home educating parents and seeing the needs of the community, Jube has dedicated her time, talents and more than three decades of experience to helping homeschools thrive in Texas. She knows the laws, the criteria, where to find curriculum and how to make homeschooling work. Get the advice you need and soak up the experience to make your homeschool decision easy and effective!

What’s a Dad to Do?- Dr. Paul Gerstenberg, a homeschool dad and founder of  Gerstenberg Clinic in Nederland along with several other veteran homeschool dads will answer that question in this interactive, dads only workshop. These men can help give direction to your homeschool by encouraging and sharing their years of experience, insight, and godly counsel to give vision to and equip homeschool dads to lead, encourage and disciple their wives and children. Helping dads lead their families as Christ is leading them is a primary goal of Lighthouse Educational Services. Because you’re not just homeschoolers; you’re a homeschool FAMILY!

Teaching Writing Without Tears- If you would rather have a tooth pulled than try to get your child to write and your child would rather receive a shot in the arm than write a paragraph (or essay) then you may need some encouragement in making writing work in your home school. Lighthouse Educational Services would like to help with your writing goals. Veronica Pedraza, homeschool mom and co-founder of LES, will provide a workshop sharing her experience in what works and what doesn’t concerning teaching writing, especially to reluctant writers. Using IEW along with a number of other resources and understanding the developmental stages of writing can help you know how to relax about writing and learn what you should expect from your child. Veronica has taught writing to homeschool students at co-ops for many years in addition to teaching her own children, five of whom have gone on to do well in college composition courses.

Curriculum and Resource Open House- You will find a room filled with curriculum and published resources for you to examine and handle at the Southeast Texas Homeschool Expo so that when you are making your decisions to purchase material for your homeschool, it will not be based solely on a picture or online description. Because our nearest homeschool bookstore is over 80 miles away, many of us purchase curriculum based on recommendation or after perusing the internet for hours seeking what we think will meet our particular needs. We want to provide you with a real look at some of what other homeschoolers are using. The books will not be for sale and many will actually be donated or loaned by other homeschool families, but sometimes it helps to just look over the contents and presentation before making your decision. We’ve contacted publishers and they have sent material and we have gathered up our own material so you can feel, see and evaluate before you make your purchase online from new and used sellers.

Moms Only-The Heart of Homeschool: Keeping the Focus on Christ-What happens when we begin to feel the social pressure that makes us think we have to make our children perform better, be academically stronger and even behave better than others because that’s what everyone expects? Well, we get burned out and lose the real reason we are homeschooling- to train our children up in the Lord and make sure we use every opportunity to point them to Christ. It’s easy tohomeschoolfieldtrip get off track, but there is a way to redefine our motives and set our eyes on the goal of glorifying the Lord through the dedication and nurturing of home schooling. Bring a notepad and take notes to this uplifting and encouraging workshop by veteran homeschool mama, Lori Carl. Lori has spent the past 23 years educating her children at home and learning what it means to both lose and regain this focus. Lori is an educator at heart and co-founder of Lighthouse Educational Services, where workshops like this are planned all year long! Come prepared to learn from her experience as she shares the heart of homeschool!



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