Resources for Moms
Southeast Texas Family Magazine
Have you discovered the Southeast Texas Family Magazine?
Moms pick up copies at over 300 locations across East Texas and the Golden Triangle from Lufkin to Crystal Beach.
The SETX Family Magazine is owned by Daryl and Jessica Fant and serves Moms in the following communities:
- Jefferson County
- Orange County
- Tyler County
- Hardin County
- Jasper County
- Liberty County
The format of the SETX Family Magazine is pretty straight forward. Articles and an in depth “Southeast Texas Family friendly” calendar are combined with promotion of local Southeast Texas businesses who cater to Southeast Texas Moms.
Co-owner Jessica Fant likes the way the magazine allows creative solutions for advertisers. Need more information than a typical ad allows? How about a custom article with ALL of the details about your Southeast Texas business or event? Need to get reminders out after the Kids Directory magazine hits the stands? Jessica can help you with custom Facebook and Twitter reminders to SETX Family Magazine readers leading up to your sale or special event. Need to make an immediate impact? Purchase the front or back cover to hit even casual readers right away.
The SETX Kids Directory also allows owners Daryl and Jessica Fant to support a number of local non-profits and organizations (including SETX Church Guide) through complimentary or discounted ads, articles, and covers.
In the past, the SETX Family Magazine has donated over $75,000 in ad space, articles, cash, and calendar listings to:
- Beaumont Breast Feeding Coalition
- Boys Haven
- Girls Haven
- CASA of Southeast Texas
- See You at the Pole
- Fire Museum of Texas
- Museum of the Gulf Coast
- Lutcher Theater
- Spindletop Gladys City Museum
- Mexican Heritage Society
- Texas Pecan Festival
- Stark Cultural Venues
- All Saints Christian School
- Legacy Christian Academy
- St. Andrew’s Day School
- Gulf Coast Girl’s Softball League
- Make A Wish
- KLBT Christian Radio
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- McFaddin Ward House
- Beaumont Farmer’s Market
- First Baptist Church Groves
- First Baptist Church Buna
- Back to School Orange
- First United Methodist Church Kountze TX
- First United Methodist Temple Port Arthur
- St. Anthony’s Cathedral
- Rao’s Sweet Rides Car Show
- Texas 529 Plan for College Savings
- Big Thicket NationalPreserve
- Orange Trade Days
- Lamar University
- Lumberton Public Library
- Beaumont Public Library
- Port Arthur Public Library
- Nederland Public Library
- Beaumont Children’s Museum
- Art Museum of Southeast TexasCatholic Diocese of Beaumont
If your business or church is trying to reach out to women and families in Southeast Texas, please do consider the Southeast Texas Family Magazine.
The online magazine provides a targeted and very cost effective way to market to Southeast Texas women and families.
In addition, your support allows them to continue to providing no cost and discounted ad space, articles, and calendar
listings to Southeast Texas non-profit organizations, groups, and Southeast Texas Churches.
If you’re looking for a way to promote your church’s Wednesday night children’s and youth activities, the SETX Family Magazine can help. If you’re looking to promote your Spring Break activities, an ad in the SETX Kids Directory will spread the word. When you’re ready to promote your Southeast Texas Vacation Bible School and summer camps, take out an ad in the Southeast Texas Family Magazine.
They will appreciate your business – and will work hard for you, your business, or your Southeast Texas church.
For more information or to advertise in the Southeast Texas Family Magazine, please contact:
- Daryl Fant
- (512) 567-80658
You can also ask your ad agency to contact the Fants about getting your business started as an advertiser in the Southeast Texas Family Magazine.