Register Now! Art Smart Summer Camp

Southeast Texas Christians frequently use summer camps to fill in the holes from programs missing in today’s public schools.

Our Southeast Texas summer camps can help kids with music appreciation, with getting in shape, in learning to play a musical instrument, or in gaining an appreciation for an an ability to create art.

The Texas Artists Museum in Port Arthur has a wonderful Southeast Texas summer camp called “Art Smart”.

This year’s camp is “Travels through Texas”. Southeast Texas students will learn about the various geographical areas of Texas and about art forms found in Texas. Best of all, each week they will create wonderful works of art that they can keep for a lifetime. This is a Southeast Texas summer camp that really combines fun and learning.

Many past attendees beg their parents to bring them back to Art Smart year after year. Some have even gone on to become counselors later in life. That says a great deal about the quality of this Southeast Texas summer camp.

Enrollment for Art Smart 2013 is open now. texas art license

Classes will beheld July 8th through July 26th 2013.

One of the popular things about Ar tSmart for Southeast Texas parents is the price – $40 per week.

Another popular feature appreciated by Southeast Texas parents  is that kids can attend one week or they may attend all three. This is a nice feature for Southeast Texas parents trying to squeeze in a family activity while maximizing their kids chances to learn – and have fun at this great Southeast Texas summer camp.

Texas Artists Museum Phone: (409) 983-4881

Texas Artist Museum Address: 3501 Cultural Drive

Texas Artist Museum Website:

Art Smart Dates: July 8 – July 26

Art Smart wouldn’t be possible without their dedicated team of volunteers, Southeast Texas artists and art lovers. Thank-you to the Texas Artists Museum and their network of volunteers for creating and continuing a wonderful Southeast Texas summer camp where children can learn to appreciate – and create- art. This year’s “Travels Through Texas” theme is particularly exciting. If you’d like more information, please do contact the Texas Artists Museum directly using the information above. They are very helpful and knowledgeable – and they’d love to help your child develop and grow a love for art. is dedicated to helping Southeast Texas Christians find resources to help children grow into well rounded adults with the core instruction that will benefit them for a lifetime. Do you know of a Southeast Texas summer camp that should be highlighted on the site? Does your Southeast Texas church have an active youth or children’s ministry you’d like to share with other Southeast Texas Christians? E-mail the information any time to . We live to share the stories of Southeast Texas churches and Christians.




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