Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church – China TX
Address: 245 U.S. 90. China TX
Phone: (409) 752-3571
E-Mail: EM through website (contact page)
Website: www.ourladyofsorrowschina.com
Pastor: Father Luong Tran
Service Times: Saturday: 4:30 p. Sunday: 7:30 & 10:00 a. Wednesday – Friday: 8:00 a. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 – 4:00 p.Baptism: By appointment. Marriages: Contact church office 6 months prior to provisional wedding date.
Programs: Knights of Columbus, CCD, CYO, Altar Society, Choir. Food bank. Community outreach and fellowship events are held regularly.
Description: Historical church founded in 1918. The current church was built in 1935. Catholic Mass.