First Christian Church of Orangefield TX has announced their VBS dates: June 2-6.
Your children ages 4 years through the 6th grade are invited to their summer Vacation Bible School program.
This year is an evening VBS: Sunday night through Thursday night from 6:00 pm. til 8:30 pm.
There will be Bible lessons, crafts, games, snacks and of course, FUN!
The First Christian Church Orangefield is located at 4234 F.M. 408, Orangefield.
Come join us for “God’s Backyard Bible Camp.”
What: Orangefield VBS at First Christian Church Orangefield
Address: 4234 FM 408. Orangefield TX.
Orangefield VBS Dates: June 2-6
Orangefield VBS Times: 6pm-8:30pm
Orangefield VBS Phone: (409) 735-4234
Note: Rides are available. Call to reserve. (409) 735-4234