Oklahoma Relief Options: Guest Blog Cornerstone Church Kountze

The Oklahoma tornado victims are on the minds, hearts, and prayers of Southeast Texas Christians. Guest blogger Pastor Rusty Mott of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Kountze shares some ways we can help our Oklahoma neighbors.


Many people have called me asking about how we can help the people in Oklahoma and North Texas as they deal with the aftermath of the deadly tornadoes that ravaged these communities.

In situations like these, we often feel powerless to help. What can we do? How can we help? These families have lost everything- including family members and friends in many cases.

I want to provide you with the three tangible and immediate ways we can help these cities and families!


In times like these, our immediate response is to ACT. Go, do, and fix! But there are times for action, and there are times for prayer. We often dismiss prayer as a “last resort.” I often hear phrases like “all we can do is pray…” As if that’s a BAD thing. But the good news is- the God of the universe stands ready to hear and respond as His people call on Him! Ask God to protect the workers/responders, comfort the families who have lost loved ones, and to bless the people of Oklahoma as they start on the long road to recovery.

2. DONATE GOODS North American Mission Board Logo

Here in town, the Kountze Middle School Student Council is collecting items to be taken to Moore, OK this weekend and beyond- below is the information from the Beaumont Enterprise.

“Kountze Middle School Student Council is also accepting donated goods. Items dropped off before Saturday will be taken to Moore over the weekend, but the student council will continue to take donations through the end of the school year. The group will deliver those final items to Oklahoma on June 16.”
Read more: http://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/How-to-help-Okla-tornado-victims-4536411.php#ixzz2U22Ws8b4


Apart from the Red Cross and other organizations- our own denomination has people on the ground! The North American Mission Board already has people in place in these communities serving, helping, and presenting the Gospel! I would highly recommend making any donations to this organization. We know that these donations are going directly to the work in these cities as they work towards recovery. Below is a link to donate.


These are three ways that we can help! Keep these communities and families in your thoughts and most importantly- in your PRAYERS!

For more informationCornerstone Church Kountze Website

Cornerstone Baptist Church Kountze Address: 277 Forrest Dr. Kountze TX 77625

Cornerstone Baptist Church Phone: 409-246-1116



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