We have been getting a lot of requests for information on how Southeast Texans can drop of items for Oklahoma relief.
We will be providing updated information regularly with information about programs Southeast Texas churches are sponsoring.
Any Southeast Texans wishing to help the people of Moore, OK with a donation can bring items to a 28 foot trailer placed at Trinity United Methodist Church Beaumont parking lot located at 3430 Harrison @ Longfellow.
This trailer will be available at Trinity United Methodist Church Beaumont to receive donations Friday, May 24 from 6am-6pm, Saturday, May 25 from 10am- 2pm, and Sunday, May 26 from 12pm- 4pm.
The Salvation Army is asking for:
– Gatorade
– baby wipes
– individually wrapped snacks
– hand sanitizer
– diapers (all sizes)
– baby formula
– hand towels
– work gloves
– sunscreen
– dog and cat food
– leashes, collars, and pet food bowls.
Chem Oil of Sugarland is generously sponsoring the expense of the transport. A big Southeast Texas thank-you for your generous support.
Another big thank-you to all of the Southeast Texas churches and Southeast Texas Christians who are working hard to bring relief to those in and around Moore, Oklahoma.
Share this link with your friends and neighbors who are looking to assist those in and around Moore, OKlahoma.
Trinity United Methodist Church Beaumont
3430 Harrison Avenue in Beaumont TX
Trinity United Methodist Church Beaumont Phone: (409) 892-8121
SETXChurchGuide.com Editor’s Note: If your Southeast Texas Church is doing something special to assist those in Moore Oklahoma we’d be happy to share that information on-line. Feel free to e-mail us the details: SetxChurchGuide@gmail.com or post the information directly on our SetxChurchGuide.com Facebook page.