Medical Camp At Central Baptist Church in Kirbyville

Medical Camp CHurch website

The East Texas Health Access Network (ETHAN), a non-profit organization, is sponsoring a Medical Camp on Saturday, March 9th, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The camp will be held at and hosted by Central Baptist Church of Kirbyville.

Medical Camp
Saturday, March 9
Central Baptist Church of Kirbyville.
801 S Margaret Ave  Kirbyville, TX 75956

(409) 423-2555

The mission of ETHAN is to help residents of our communities gain access to health care and other related services at the most appropriate and cost effective level of care available. Presently there are over 20,000 uninsured individuals in Jasper and adjoining counties who do not have health insurance coverage and more than 17,000 who are under- insured through Medicare and Medicaid for their health care needs. This Medical Camp will provide free medical, dental and other health related screenings for children and adults who may not otherwise have access to such care.

This event will involve hundreds of volunteers, including doctors and dentists from Dallas, San Antonio, Houston as well as many of our local health care professionals. Over 1,000 insured and uninsured people have been served in the past Medical Camps.

ETHAN offers a variety of services and programs including: Information and Referral: ETHAN receives more than 10,000 calls a year from area residents seeking information on available programs and services.

Community Health Education: ETHAN collaborates with community partners throughout the year to offer free health education classes on a variety of topics.

Care Partners:
ETHAN Community Health Workers provide disease case management and care management services to assist individuals who use the ER as their main source of primary health care in identifying permanent medical homes that will provide them with low cost or no cost medical care.

HELP: Health Equipment Loaner Program: Established and supported through donations from community partners and area residents, ETHAN provides medical equipment at no cost to the individual or family.Essentials: Supported through donations from the community this program provides items such as adult diapers, blue pads, nutritional supplements, limited diabetic testing supplies and other essential health items.

Healthy Smiles: Provides low cost dental services to individuals that are uninsured for dental care. Dental services are provided by a mobile dental unit and are by appointment only. Services include dental exams, x-rays, cleanings, extractions, and fillings. Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Cholesterol Clinics: Scheduled several times throughout the year ETHAN collaborates with community partners to offer free blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol screenings to area residents.

Heart♥Throb Café: Provides Health and Nutrition Education to area residents to help them make lifestyle changes that support their overall health and well-being. Dietetic Interns from Stephen F. Austin State University, School of Human Sciences, AgriLIFE Extension Office and other Community Partners support ETHAN staff in providing: Health Education Classes, Nutrition Counseling, Cooking Classes, Meal Planning, Recipe Modification, Physical Fitness and other activities that support healthy lifestyle choices.

RxMedConnection: Is a prescription assistance program that assists individuals in obtaining medication from the patient assistance programs of the major pharmaceutical manufacturers. Medications received through this program are free. ETHAN charges a monthly administrative fee of $25 per client, per month, to cover program-operating costs.


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