McDonald Memorial Baptist Church Orange TX is adding to your list of potential Southeast Texas church activities for the busy weekedn of August 17, 2014.
What’s better than a garage sale? That’s right, a Garage Sale Giveaway.
McDonald Memorial Baptist Church Orange and their congregation will be giving away:
- Adult Clothing
- Children’s Clothing
- Children’s Car Seats
- Toys
- Baby and infant items
- Home Decor
- Furniture
- Christmas Decorations
- Furniture
- TV sets
- Books
- Purses and women’s accessories
- And lots of specialty items.
What: Garage Sale GIVEAWAY
Where: McDonald Memorial Baptist Church in Orange TX
Address: 2015 Sims, Orange TX
Time: 8a-2pm
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A special thank-you for bringing this blessing to our community to the congregation of McDonald Memorial Baptist Church Orange TX.