Looking to visit a church in Groves TX? Consider First Baptist Church of Groves.
It’s easier to get excited for church when you’ve found the right fit, a true church home.
Are you looking for a Groves church home? A special church in Mid County?
On Wednesday nights, First Baptist Church Groves offers an “Encounter the Church” class.
The class is led by First Baptist Groves Pastor Joe Worley
The “Encounter the Church” meets:
- Wednesdays 6:00 PM
- Room 205, Upstairs in the Family Life Center
This class is for those who desire church membership or would like to know more about First Baptist Church of Groves.
Call the church office with questions to sign up: (409) 962-4461.
For more information, email the pastor’s secretary: Kathy@fbcgroves.org
If you’re looking to visit a church in Groves TX, First Baptist Church of Groves would love to have you.
Are you looking for more Southeast Texas church information, news, and fellowship opportunities?
Stay tuned.
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- Daryl Fant, Publisher SETX Church Guide
- (512) 567-8068
- SETXChurchGuide@gmail.com