Winner of multiple Film Festival awards, NOT TODAY is a compelling story and powerful reminder that change is possible if we’re willing to open our eyes … today.NOT TODAY is opening only in select cities on April 12—areas where the human trafficking issue is at the forefront.
Why a movie about human trafficking?
The simple answer is: “None of us is free if one of us is enslaved.”
This movie opens on April 12th in several theaters in Houston and Dallas, but not in Southeast Texas.
If SETX can get 400 people to commit to attend, the will movie can be played in a theater here on a weekend in May.
Will you do your part to help end Human Slavery and Trafficking?
All we need is 10 churches to sell 40 tickets, or 20 churches to sell 20 tickets. For more info to help bring Not Today to SETX, click here
Visit the website for the movie Not Today
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