Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont will be hosting their 2013 Beaumont summer camp from July 29-Aug 2.
This Beaumont church summer camp is for ages 5-15.
Parents can register children online or at Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont.
Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont address: 3395 Highland Avenue.
Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont phone: (409) 212-1399
Harvest for Lost Souls Beaumont church summer camp time: 9a-Noon
Note: Pickup is available through Harvest for Lost Souls for children who need a ride to this Beaumont church summer camp. Please call the church office several days ahead of time to coordinate if your child needs a ride to summer camp.
Lunch is provided.
The cost for this summer camp is $25.
Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont Senior Pastor: Kennedy Andrews.
Harvest for Lost Souls Church Beaumont Vision Statement:
Harvest for Lost Souls Outreach Ministry’s vision is to touch the world with God’s saving love by imparting & implanting the Word of God into the lives of the lost, hurting, rejected, and those who are bound by life controlling problems and see them set free by the true revelation of God’s Word.
Thank-you to Harvest of Lost Souls Beaumont for providing this low cost summer camp to Beaumont children. Thank-you also for their core mission of ministering to “lost souls”.
Have you been looking for a Beaumont church with a mission of serving those who aren’t ready to “fit” into a traditional church environment? Visit Harvest of Lost Souls on Sunday for worship or for any of their special community events.
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