Southeast Texas Women’s Ministry
Springtime – a Metaphor for Spiritual Referral
Springtime is my favorite time of year.
Spring brings warmer weather, the outdoors turn a beautiful shade of green, and most of all, spring brings new life.
I am an aspiring gardener, learning as I build and grow my garden bigger and better each year.
I started out wanting easy access to fresh, readily available, pesticide free vegetables.
Every Southeast Texan knows nothing tastes better than vine ripened tomatoes.
However, my garden has become even more than I had expected; not only has it produced produce it has grown into everyday life-lessons.
My garden teaches lessons of how God’s creative power works to take something so small, so seemingly unimportant as a seed, and grow it into a life giving plant that supplies our needs. It teaches lessons of patience and perseverance. I wait expectantly as I watch for the seeds to emerge, slowly grow into the plants intended, bloom, then finally yield their fruit. I mulch, weed, water and repeat.
While working my garden, I am reminded that when I patiently take care of what God has given me no matter what it is, my spouse, my children, my job, the rewards are incredible. God has also shown that when we properly remove those things which hinder growth, like removing weeds while they are small, we can grow into something more beautiful, useful and productive.
One last benefit of my garden: life brings many challenges and everyday stresses. My Garden serves as a retreat from it all. A place to have quiet time with God, a place to reflect, a place to simply get away for a few needed moments of peace and reflection. Now as spring quickly turns to summer, I encourage you. Let God speak to you through your everyday life and keep pressing toward the mark; the one in your garden, but most of all the one in your heart. (Phil. 3:14)
SETXChurchGuide guest blogger: Kristi Brown.
This message is sponsored by SETX Church Guide.
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