One of the most important ministries of Southeast Texas churches is senior ministry.
First United Methodist Church Silsbee’s senior group is the “Primetimers”.
If you have been looking to find fellowship and friendship in Silsbee, join the Primetimers for their monthly gathering.
This month’s event will be on Tuesday July 30th at 10AM at First United Methodist Silsbee.
Primetimers events are open to all seniors. You do not have to be a member of First United Methodist Silsbee. All seniors are welcome and encouraged to attend for:
The event will begin with a seniors Bible study.
The Bible study will be followed by a pot luck luncheon.
Visitors are not required to bring anything, but if you have a dish you’d like to show off, you are welcome to bring it.
Primetimers are encouraged to invite friends to the July event. If you’re a senior in the Silsbee area, don’t wait for an invitation.
The Primetimers look forward to meeting you!
Would you like to publicize the senior ministry of your Southeast Texas church?
I know there are seniors looking for friendship, fellowship, and a home to grow in the word.
You are welcome to post your information on SetxChurchGuide’s Facebook Page.
You can also e-mail information to Feel free to include any photos or images that will help make your story stand out. That’s what we’re all about. Sharing the stories that help Southeast Texans find Southeast Texas Church homes.
Would you like information about becoming a part church on Call (512) 567-8068 to schedule an appointment. We can come by the church at your convenience to answer questions, exchange ideas, or to get you started.