First Presbyterian Orange – First Methodist Orange VBS July 8-12

Sometimes to provide the perfect children’s event, Southeast Texas churches team up. This summer First Presbyterian Orange and First United Methodist Orange are teaming up to present “Kingdom Rock” VBS for the children of Orange.

Kingdom Rock, with it’s “Where Kids Stand Strong for God” message is definitely one of the more popular Southeast Texas VBS Programs this year. Many Southeast Texas churches have already run this program and it has received great reviews from kids, parents, and Southeast Texas church staff and volunteers alike.

The First Presbyterian Orange and First Methodist Orange combined version will run July 8- July 12. If you’re looking for an Orange VBS in July this should be a nice fit- two great Orange churches working together, a dedicated volunteer group from each church, and a  great summer activity your kids will enjoy and help them continually enthusiastically on their path following God.

The wonderful volunteers from First Presbyterian Church Orange and First Methodist Orange will ensure your child “discovers how to stand strong for God!”

First United Methodist Church Orange Website   Kingdom Rock Logo Blue Background

First Presbyterian Church Orange Website

Combined Orange VBS Dates:  July 8 – July 12,

Combined Orange VBS Time: beginning at 9:00 each morning

Combined Orange VBS Location:  First United Methodist Church Praise Center located at Pine and 5th streets in Orange. At Kingdom Rock, kids discover how to stand strong for God! Kingdom Rock is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences that kids see, hear, touch, and even taste. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited daily to join us in the “Royal Courtyard at 11:30, for our Fanfare Finale – a daily celebration of god’s love you won’t want to miss. Call FUMC , 886-7466 or FPC, 883-2097 to register your child in preschool through 5th grade by Friday, July 5. You may also register at VBS any morning.

Kingdom Rock Banner

Is your Orange Church hosting a VBS that we’ve missed on We’d love to share it with other Southeast Texas Christians. Summer is a wonderful time for our Southeast Texas churches to do special things for the children of our communities.

Thank-you to all of the Southeast Texas churches who have hosted VBS programs, children’s camps, special Wednesday night activities, and other events for children and families.

If your Southeast Texas church is hosting something special for kids this summer, e-mail the information to You can also post  positive stories about Southeast Texas Churches and Christians on our Facebook. “Like”us while you’re there!


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