Not every Southeast Texas church is following the standard VBS offerings this summer.
Faith United Methodist Church of Orange will be hosting “Kidz Adventure Camp” which has become something Orange kids look forward to each summer.
The Faith United Methodist Church of Orange’s Kidz Adventure Camp will allow kids to experience creative adventures in a Christian setting that will have a lasting impact on Orange children.
Kidz Adventure Camp this year will be for Orange Kids age 5 through those entering the fifth grade.
This is a popular Orange kids camp, so register your kids early. Participation will be limited to the first forty Orange kids who are signed up.
Faith United Methodist Church’s Kidz Adventure Camp will be July 9-12 from 8:30 AM – Noon.
Faith United Methodist Church Orange Kidz Adventure Camp
Oange Kids Adventure Camp Dates: July 9th through July 12th, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Orange Kids Adventure Camp Ages: 5 through entering fifth grade.
Note: Orange Kids Adventure Camp Registration is limited to the first 40 children.
Faith United Methodist Church Orange: 8608 MLK Jr. Dr., Orange
Faith United Methodist Church Orange Online: Each child will receive a camp tee-shirt.
Faith United Methodist Church Orange church office M-F, 9:00-1:00: (409) 886-1291.
Thank-you to Faith United Methodist Church of Orange for providing this wonderful kids camp for Orange children.
Are you looking for an Orange church with a heart for children’s ministry?
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