Crestwood Church Lumberton VBS July 15-19


Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton will be hosting their 2013 VBS July 15-19.

This Lumberton church has a heart for children and family’s and you’ll definitely be able to see that at their 2013 Lumberton VBS.

Rain Forest VBS #1 300dpiThis year’s Crestwood Church Lumberton VBS Theme will be “Rain Forest”.

Using the Rainforest VBS, Crestwood Baptist volunteers will use five key Bible verses to change your child’s life.

Crestwood Church has a dedicated volunteer team that will make your child feel welcome and ensure they have a fun week they will remember long past the summer.

John 3:16 will be this year’s Crestwood VBS theme verse:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton’s  Rainforest VBS will transport young minds into a vivid rainforest environment of jungle sounds, sights and Printsmells, where they’ll dig into the Bible and meet Jesus in every day’s story.

At Crestwood Lumberton’s VBS, your child will dig into the Bible and meet Jesus in every day’s story.

July 15-19, bring your kids to Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton’s Rainforest VBS—an experience of discovery they’ll never forget! Best of all, they’ll be having so much fun they’ll barely know they are learning!

Crestwood Church is located between Kountze and Lumberton so will draw heavily from both communities and the big thicket area.

Crestwood Baptist Church Website

Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton Address: 1150 Hwy 69 North in Kountze TX

Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton Phone: (409) 246-2750

Crestwood Baptist Church Pastor: Mark Rotramel

Crestwood Baptist Church Office Manager: Terrie Harris

Lumberton VBS Time: 1p-4p

Thank-you to the Crestwood Baptist Church Lumberton staff and volunteers for bringing this Southeast Texas VBS opportunity to the children of our community.




Rain Forest VBS 1



For it’s been the summer of the Southeast Texas VBS. Hopefully we’ve covered yours? If we missed it, please do e-mail the information to Please feel free to include any images you’d like to see with your story.

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