One Beaumont church is hosting fun fellowship opportunities for Southeast Texas senior citizens.
For kids, the summer is approaching it’s end. Soon, they will be back in school. They’ve had their Southeast Texas VBS programs, attended their Christian camps, and enjoyed swimming parties, movie nights, and other fun Southeast Texas church hosted activities.
For adults, we know there are another six to eight weeks of brutal heat still to come. It’s time for Beaumont senior citizens to have a summer party of their own!
Calvary Baptist Church Beaumont is holding an ice cream and watermelon social for Beaumont area seniors on Tuesday August 13.
Ice cream socials and watermelon centered events have been popular with Southeast Texas churches since before any of our current senior citizens were born. The popularity remains today probably in part due to nostalgia, but also because in 100 years no one has invented anything much better than ice cream and watermelon.
Calvary Baptist Church Beaumont Location: 3650 Dowlen Rd. in Beaumont, TX
Theme for this Beaumont Senior Fellowship: Ice Cream and Watermelon Social
Room reserved for this Beaumont Senior Fellowship event: Room 209
Time for this Beaumont Senior Fellowship: 11AM
Calvary Baptist Church Beaumont on the Web
For more information about this fellowship opportunity for Beaumont Senior Citizens contact Robyne Perdue:
Robyne Perdue Phone: 898-7074
Robyne Perdue E-mail:
Does your Southeast Texas church have an upcoming ice cream social or watermelon social? These are fun events and a great way to attract people for a first visit to your church.
The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable and allows church visitors a low pressure opportunity to get a feel for your church.
What kind of ministry does your church have in place for our Southeast Texas senior citizens? We’d love to hear about them.
E-mail the information to . Please do feel free to include any photos or images you’d like to have included.
You can also post information about your Southeast Texas church on our SetxChurchGuide Facebook page. While you are there, “Like” the page to receive updates from around the Southeast Texas church community.
Best wishes to Calvary Beaumont for a wonderful event. Thank-you for your Beaumont senior ministry.