- March 8-11. Dr. Danny Worbington will be the evangelist.
- Worship will be led by David Thornhill, Music Minister of First Baptist Church of Loeb.
- Sunday, March 8 at 10:30 am with covered dish lunch following.
- Sunday, March 8 at 6:00 pm
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 9, 10 and 11 at 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, March 11th – fellowship meal at 6pm.
Enjoy a great Big Thicket Christian fellowship experience with the congregation of Wildwood Baptist Church in Village Mills Tx.
Revival March 8-11 Wildwood Baptist Church
It’s revival season in Southeast Texas.
Get refreshed. Get focused.
PO Box 729, 98 Wilwood Dr
Village Mills, TX 77663
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- Daryl Fant, Publisher SETX Church Guide
- (512) 567-8068
- SETXChurchGuide@Gmail.com