Violence against Southeast Texas women is a serious issue.
Allison Broughton and her Beaumont Salon ScissorsDotComb have joined the Salons Against Domestic Abuse “Cut It Out” campaign.
Allison has set up her salon as a location Southeast Texans can use to drop off supplies that can be directed to Southeast Texas women’s shelters.
Currently the focus of ScissorsDotComb’s collection efforts is on school supplies and daily necessities.
Some of the most currently in demand items for Southeast Texas women’s shelters include:
- Backpacks (clear or see through)
- Notebooks (Trapper Keeper style), 3 Ring Binders, Dividers
- Pens, pencils, Markers
- New or used school clothes: shorts, jeans, t-shirts, polo style shirts, dress shirts, belts, tennis shoes, dress shoes, hair ribbons and bows, socks, underwear, jackets, hoodies, dresses, skirts.
- Batteries: AA, AAA
- Scotch Tape, Elmer’s glue, construction paper, poster board, hi liters, Sharpies,
- Clorox Wipes
- Kleenex
- Paper Towels
- Children’s Advil, Children’s Tylenol (or generic)
- If you are upgrading your laptop, I-Pad, or Kindle, our Southeast Texas women’s shelters are great places to donate your old ones. They will certainly be used and appreciated.
Southeast Texas Christians have also been donating cash that can be used by the shelters to purchase high demand items.
You can bring your items or cash donation to ScissorsDotComb and they will coordinate getting the items to the Southeast Texas women’s shelters.
(409) 866-9090
- 6465 Calder Avenue above Imagine Art Studio.
- ScissorsDotComb Website
- Website
Thank-you to Allison Broughton and ScissorsDotComb for assistiong Southeast Texas women’s shelters.
Southeast Texas Churches, if you have leftover supplies from your 2013 Southeast Texas Back to School bashes/events, this is a perfect place do donate them – our Southeast Texas women’s shelters will put them to good use.